DWI/DUI Lawyer in Babylon
The first step to fighting DWI-DUI charges is to retain a knowledgeable Defense Attorney and understanding that the best defense will always be experience, knowledge, and training. The Law Offices of Jonathan B. Manley can provide a strong defense that will always keep you a step ahead of the prosecution. We have been successful in winning numerous cases originating from Babylon.
Jonathan B. Manley has been trained by Senior Police Officers on how to PROPERLY administer these tests and we know that there are times when the Police are also careless or negligent when making arrests.
- They MUST have valid grounds and witness signs of intoxication.
- They often make mistakes during the investigation. All sobriety tests MUST be conducted properly and conducted with precision.
- We know the variables that can affect these test results, i.e.: fatigue, nerves, etc.
- Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) tests (like breathalyzers) are delicate and must be properly calibrated EACH & EVERY time it is used.
- We understand what can result in False Positives.
- We know all the Penalties for First, Second, and Third DWIs, so we can counsel you and prepare the best line of defense. (Create an anchor link to DWI page section that specifies the penalties)
If you were pulled over by an officer who had no grounds to do so, a skilled DWI Lawyer can build a strong case in your defense.